Xistential Void.... A band

Just ignore this damn banner at the top, I can't get rid of it.

A Chicago-area band

The Band
Picture Gallery

March 13

Shitty News

Well, everyone, it looks bad for us right now... Curran and Jeff got into a fight and so Curran quit/got kicked out, I'm not sure, could be both. In either case, however, after this incident, he convinced Joey to quit also, and after that so did Nick... so they're all out and starting a new band... I know, this is such shit, but since nobody really ever heard of us, we're just another statistic, nobody cares or is gonna miss Xistential Void. For anyone who does, though, I'm gonna leave the site up, for now, and hope that there is a band of some degree eventually. We're officially out of the Battle of the Bands, and you're not gonna see us with Aberration anytime soon, so forget I ever said anything... I'm just a little sad now, so if you'll allow me to go at this point, that would be nice... goodbye

February 27
Allright, this time Elliott left... sucks for us, but Curran (who was origionally in the band before Elliott) came back, so he's in now. The reason Elliott left was because he wanted to be more heavy, and we didn't. We'll miss him, but hey, if he wasn't happy playing our shit, we can't change that. About the show, we aren't sure. We might play with Aberration in a while, but since we got Curran now, he has to get up to date first, and concidering Joey just finally made it to practice last week, he still needs to work on some stuff too. We also have a chance to be in a Battle of the Bands type thing in April or May, but we still need to send in a video for the tryouts, so we wont know untill after spring break.

January or February something...
Ok, well for anyone who actually VISITS the site, we have a drummer now, and there MIGHT be a show in a month or so... I'm not sure.


Mail us or something... I think.

Yeah, click here for mail - you can still mail me cause I'm kinda lonely without any friends... since they all quit and all.. -Mike

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(Hits since March 04)

Days until Mike's sorry ass is 17.
Days until Jeff's sorry ass is 16.
Days untill Curran's sorry ass is 16.
Days until Nick's sorry ass is 16
Days until I stop being bored, putting these random things here...